Saturday, June 16, 2012

The Purpose Of My Action Research

The purpose of my action research study is to determine what teaching strategies make the biggest impact on state writing scores.  I am interested in researching this area because the state writing scores were the lowest content scores in our district.  This is a real need to investigate and research.  First I will study the research regarding best practices to teach writing.  I also plan to look at teaching strategies from teachers who scored high as well as the teachers who did not.  I will also take into consideration the student data, student demographics, teacher data, teacher surveys, and any other factors that could impact the data. 


  1. Please set your blog to allow followers.
    Dr. Abshire

    1. I think I fixed it. Let me know if it didn't work. Thanks.

  2. Hello Sarah,

    I noticed you were following my blog and thought I would stop in to see your research topic. I am actually very interested in any and everything to do with teaching writing. I teach first grade and it is so frustrating to not have an actual writing curriculum. I went to a writing workshop this past year and learned a lot. I cannot remember what it was called right this second, but when I do I'll let you know. Thankfully, our elementary campus started implementing the program this past year and now we will be using it in the fall! I have not been able to read your plan in detail because I am fighting against time to finish up before a thunderstorm hits here!! I did want to suggest that you look into what the middle, elementary, and even primary teachers are doing to teach writing. You may have already done this, but if not, it could be that they are not targeting writing in the earlier grades. This is not always do to their choosing. I have to go, the storm is getting VERY close. I will check back in tomorrow. Good luck!!
